Master DK informs us that a Jewish disciple in his ashrampointed out that the
Jews had re-opened again, partialy, the door to cosmic evil. This study points out that the Jews represent for humanity the
planetary solar plexi and thus produce a temporary seperating force. We know that through "illeagal and terrorist activities"
they used a seporating force along an entirley third ray channel to take land, resources, steal and murder. We might take
into account that their role as a seperated planetary center corresponds to the Ida or left nadi of the threefold planetary
center the Ida, Pingala, and the Central Sushumna channels.
The left channel in its seperate and focussed use presents a doorway which holds
back evil of a cosmic nature. It is the entrance to the forces of ancient materialism which foster and energise old forms
and ideologies, seperatness, fear and greed, sex, money and land. JPC.
You will remember that the third ray governed that system and also governs the
Jewish race, if you bear in mind that that system was occupied with the divine aspects of matter only and with external conditions,
and that the Jews were the highest product of that system you can come to an understanding of the Jew, his separateness, his
desire for racial purity and his interest in that which is commercial and tangible. EXT 77.
Their aggressive history as narrated in the Old Testament is on a par with present-day
German accomplishment; yet Christ was a Jew and it was the Hebrew race which produced Him. Let this never be forgotten. The
Jews were great aggressors; they despoiled the Egyptians and they took the Promised Land at the point of the sword, sparing
neither man, woman nor child. EH 263.
Ida, Pingala, and the Central Sushumna:
As a Jewish member of my Ashram pointed out (and I commend him on his soul vision),
the Jews have partially again opened the door to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang.
RI 430.
I do not indicate which channel is responsive to which center, except in the case
of the sushumna channel which is responsive only to the energy of the head center and the directing will. EH 187.
Plexi and Rays of the two inferior channels revealed:
Ray 1. First Channel
of Unity, Sushumna. The Lord of Power or Will. This Life wills to love, and uses power as an expression of divine beneficence.
Pure Spirit. The head centre, providing the dynamic impulse of the will to live. Central balanced Superior Channel. (Narrow
razor-edged path).
Ray 2. Second Channel of Duality, Harikesa. The Lord of Love-Wisdom, Who is the
embodiment of pure love. Is related to the path of consciousness and of sensitive psychic unfoldment. The heart center, providing
the impulse to love and to conscious contact with ever widening areas of divine expression. Right pingala inferior channel
positive Sun Yang masculine Fire "THA" nadi. Heart Centre. The pairs of opposites, Soul and Personality (battlefield of higher
relations). JPC. 5/04.
The Jewish race is a symbol of humanity in its mass sense. RI 640.
The Jewish Problem. The Jews constitute an international minority of great aggressiveness,
exceedingly vocal, and they also constitute a minority in practically every nation in the world. Their problem is, therefore,
unique. PH 95.
The Brothers of the left hand path work with the forces of the third aspect entirely.
TCF 986.
Ray 3. Third Channel of Duality, Viswakarman. The Lord of Active Intelligence,
One along which the energy which feeds matter is poured. To the solar plexus centre, providing thus the impulse of desire
and feeding the physical life and the creative urge. left Ida inferior channel negative Moon Yin feminine water "HA" nadi.
Solar Plexi centre. The pairs of opposites (of which the scales are the symbol). JPC. 5/04.
Zionist Movement. The Seperating Door:
We can see that the left hand path or
left Ida inferior channel refers to the negative Moon Yin feminine water "HA" nadi and corresponds to the Solar Plexi centre,
is viewed in this instance as a channel of Earth Basic, is the channel or inversely created antakarana or black "path of manasic
evil" which may in effect lead this brother away from our solar system to "spheres of evil incomprehensible to us."
Quite clearly the Jewish race are the seperating force between humanity and the black lodge i.e. the forces of cosmic evil.
This is clearly shown and indicates that the minority Zionist group are the "door where evil dwells." They as a group constitute
the seperating "door" and have the uniqe ability of opening or closeing that door.
DK shows us how it was the Zionist movement which organised "terrorist activities"
that once again opened the door to cosmic evil. They constitute the planetary solar plexi, a temporary force which results
because a few who "clung to the mother" or that dying solar system, were rescued and formed a group force of seperating energy.
They uncounciously still "cling to the mother" and make contact with that dying system and with the kundilini frictional fires
which were "absorbed" by this system "Earth Basic" and which also are being absorbed from the third un-named scheme of which
ours is a "direct reproduction" and constitutes "systemic avitchi." Therefore, it is at this time, the Zionist body which
allows human kind suseptable to cosmic evil and occultly opens the door to its inflow. They constitute a focussed direction
toward the third solar plexi channel or Ida infearior third ray channel to pure manasic energy. JPC.
Jewish force.
Producing separation. Planetary solar plexus.
Ray aspect of Third Ray. EXT 89.
I. The Shamballa energy.
The divine purpose.
Expression: Sanat Kumara. Planetary
head center.
Conditioning the life of nations.
Politics. Esotericism. First Ray.
Destroys. Will.
II. Hierarchical energy.
Divine love-wisdom.
Expressions: Buddha and Christ. Planetary
heart center.
Conditioning the soul.
Religious. Spiritual. Second Ray.
Permanent. Builds. Love-Wisdom.
III. Humanity's energy.
Divine intelligence.
Expression: Many people today. Planetary throat center.
the mind.
Educational. Third Ray.
Creative. Intellect.
IV. The Jewish force.
separation. Planetary solar plexus.
Conditioning world emotion.
Sensitivity. Seventh Ray aspect of Third Ray. Magic.
V. The materialistic forces.
The Matter aspect. Planetary sacral center.
Conditioning substance.
EXT 89.